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Carlos E. Otero

Professor | College of Engineering and Science - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Contact Information
(321) 674-7242
F.W. Olin Engineering Complex, 347

Personal Overview

Dr. Carlos E. Otero is a tenured Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at Florida Institute of Technology (Florida Tech).  He is also Technical Director of Computer Engineering at Florida Tech’s Wireless Center of Excellence (WiCE) and the Center for Advanced Data Analytics and Systems (CADAS). Prior to joining Florida Tech, he was a tenure-track faculty in the College of Engineering at University of South Florida (USF) and in the department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Virginia, College at Wise. 

Dr. Otero has worked extensively in private industry as a computer software engineer and scientist for several major defense contractors in FL.  During his 20 year industry career (as engineer and consultant), Dr. Otero worked as a design and development engineer in a wide variety of military computer systems, including satellite communications, command and control, wireless security, and unmanned aerial vehicle systems.  As Faculty, Dr. Otero has been principal/co-principal investigator in research projects totaling $4.7 million.  He has published over 90 technical publications in scientific peer-reviewed journals and conferences proceedings, including IEEE Intelligent Systems, IEEE Transactions in Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, IEEE Systems Journal, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, and Expert Systems and Applications.  Dr. Otero is also the author of the textbook Software Engineering Design: Theory and Practice, which has been adopted by instructors from various national and international universities.

Dr. Otero’s contributions to professional practice and academia have been recognized by numerous professional awards, academia, and the IEEE professional organization.  In 2020, he was recipient of the university-wide Charles E. Helmstetter Award for Faculty Excellence in Research.  In 2019 he was entered into the Northrop Grumman Honor Roll of Inventors with Engineering and Innovation awards.  In 2010, he was nominated and elevated to the IEEE senior member rank.  He has been listed in Marquis Who’s Who in Science & Engineering and in Marquis Who’s Who in America.  His academic services' track record includes several leading positions as conference session chair, editorial board membership, technical program committee membership, and departmental committee membership.  He is an active professional member of the ACM, an active senior member of the IEEE, and member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Computers, the International Journal of Computers and Applications, and the International Journal of Software Engineering.

Professional Experience

  • Member, IEEE Systems Council
  • Member, IEEE Internet-of-Things Technical Community
  • Faculty Advisor, IEEE Student Chapter
  • Associate Editor, International Journal of Computers and Applications, 2010 - Present
  • Editorial Board, Journal of Computers (JCP), 2010 - Present
  • Session Chair, International Conference on Wireless Networks, 2010
  • Session Chair, Software Engineering Research & Practice, 2010
  • Co-Director, Wireless Center of Excellence, 2013 - Present
  • Director, Wired Wednesday Elementary STEM Program, 2013 - Present
  • Reviewer for IEEE Communications Letters, IEEE Transactions on Computing Services, IEEE Transactions on Networks and Service Management, IEEE Systems Journal

Current Courses

  • ECE 2551 - Software/Hardware Design (Fall)
  • ECE 4551 - Computer Architecture (Fall)
  • ECE 1552 - Computer Design (Spring)
  • ECE 5118 - Wireless Sensor Networks (Spring)
  • ECE 5560 - Computer Systems

Selected Publications

Dr. Otero has published over 80 technical publications in scientific peer-reviewed journals and conferences proceedings.  He is also the author of the textbook Software Engineering Design: Theory and Practice, which has been adopted by numerous instructors from national and international institutions and has been listed in the top 10 most popular Amazon Engineering Design books.  (His new academic textbook on software/hardware construction is coming out in 2019.)  The following is a list of selected publications.

Book & Book Chapters:

Peer-Reviewed Journals:

  • Ortega, L.C., Otero, L.D., Otero, C.E., “Fuzzy Inference System Framework to Prioritize the Deployment of Resources in Low Visibility Traffic Conditions,” IEEE Access, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 174,368 – 174,379, Dec. 2019. (DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2956918) (Impact Factor: 4.098)
  • Egi, Yunus, Otero, C.E., "Machine Learning and 3D Point-Cloud Based Signal Power Path Loss Model for the Deployment of Wireless Communication Systems," IEEE Access (in-press), 2019. (Impact Factor: 3.557)
  • Olasupo, T.O., Otero, C.E., "Multi-terrain Path Loss Models for Reliable Deployments of Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 1105-1118, Jun. 2018. (Impact Factor: 3.286)
  • Olasupo, T.O., Otero, C.E., Otero, L.D., Olasupo, K., Kostanic, I., "Path Loss Models for Low-power, Low-data rate Sensor Nodes for Smart Car Parking Systems," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 1774-1783, Jun. 2018. (Impact Factor: 4.051)
  • Olasupo, T.O., Otero, C.E., "The Impacts of Node Orientation on Radio Propagation Models for Airborne-deployed Sensor Networks in Large-scale Tree Vegetation Terrains," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, pp. 1-14, Aug. 2017. (Impact Factor: 5.131)
  • Otermat, Derek, Kostanic, I., Otero, C.E., "Analysis of the FM Radio Spectrum for Secondary Licensing of Cognitive IoT Devices," IEEE Access Journal, Vol. 4, pp. 6681 - 6691, Oct. 2016. (Impact Factor: 3.557)
  • Olasupo, T.O., Otero, C.E., Olasupo, K., Kostanic, I., "Empirical Path Loss Models for Wireless Sensor Network Deployments in Short and Tall Natural Grass Environments," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2016, Vol. 64, No. 9, pp. 4012 - 4021, Sep. 2016 (Impact Factor: 4.13)
  • Bruckmeyer, J., Hinshaw, A., Otero, C.E., Kostanic, I., "Relative Adaptive Digital Beam Former Calibration Using an Injected Noise Source," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 65, No. 8, pp. 1796 - 1803, Jun. 2016. (Impact Factor: 2.794)
  • Otero, C.E., Peter, A., "Research Directions for Engineering Big Data Analytics Software," IEEE Intelligent Systems, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 13-19, Feb. 2015. (Impact Factor: 3.532)
  • Otero, C.E., Haber, R., Peter, A., AlSayyari, A., Kostanic, I., “A Wireless Sensor Networks’ Analytics System for Predicting Performance in On-Demand Deployments,” IEEE Systems Journal, pp. 1-10, May, 2014. (Impact Factor: 4.337)
  • Ejnioui, A., Otero, C.E., Kostanic, I., “A Stochastic Approach for Evaluating Quality of Service in Wireless Cellular Networks,” International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, Vol. 6, No. 3, 2013.
  • Otero, L.D., Centeno, G, Otero, C.E., Reeves, K., “DEA-Tobit Approach to Identify Key Assignment Criteria in Software Engineering,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 391 – 400, Aug. 2012. (Impact Factor: 1.60)
  • Otero, L.D., Otero, C.E., “A Fuzzy Expert System Architecture for Capability Assessments in Software Engineering Environments,” Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 654 – 662, Jan. 2012. (Impact Factor: 3.768)
  • Otero, C.E., Shaw, W.H., Kostanic, I., Otero, L.D., “Multi-Response Optimization of Stochastic WSN Deployments using Response Surface Methodology and Desirability Functions,” IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 39-48, Mar. 2010. (Impact Factor: 4.337)
  • Otero, C.E., Velazquez, A., Kostanic, I., Subramanian, C., Pinelli, J.P., “Real-Time Monitoring of Hurricane Winds using Wireless and Sensor Technology,” Journal of Computers, Vol. 4, No. 12, pp. 1275-1285, Dec. 2009.
  • Otero, C.E., Kostanic, I., Otero, L.D., “Development of a Simulator for Stochastic Deployment of Wireless Sensor Networks,” Journal of Networks, Vol. 4, No. 8, pp. 754-762, Oct. 2009.
  • Otero, L.D., Centeno, G., Ruiz-Torres, A., Otero, C.E., “A Systematic Approach for Resource Allocation in Software Projects,” Computer and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 56, Issue 4, pp. 1333-1339, May 2009. (Impact Factor: 3.195)

Peer-Reviewed Conferences:

  • Elliott, D., Martino, E., Otero, C.E., Smith, A., Peter, A., Luchterhand, B., Lam, E., Leung, S., “Cyber-Physical Analytics: Environmental Sound Classification at the Edge,” IEEE World Forum on IoT, June 2020 (DOI: 10.1109/WF-IoT48130.2020.9221148).
  • Ortega, L., Otero, L.D., Otero, C.E., and Fabregas, A., “Visibility Forecasting with Deep Learning,” IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon) Proceedings, August 2020 (DOI: 10.1109/SysCon47679.2020.9275833).
  • Avendano, J.C., Otero, L.D., Otero, C.E., "Computational Sensor Placement Model for the Development of a Cost-Effective, Multi-Sensor Structural Health Monitoring System for Cantilevered Traffic Signal Structures," IEEE SoutheastCon, 2019.
  • Egi, Yunus, Otero, C.E., "'Modeling Tree Canopy Signal Power Path Loss (SPPL) for Deployment of Wireless Communication Systems (WCS) Using Point Cloud and Sensor Fusion," IEEE International Systems Conference (in-press), Orlando, FL, 2019.
  • Ortega, L., Otero, L.D., Otero, C.E., "Applications of Machine Learning Algorithms for Visibility Classification," IEEE Systems Conference (in-press), Orlando, FL, 2019.
  • Ridley, M., Otero, C.E., Merino, X., Elliott, D., "Quantifying the Security Posture of Containerized Mission-Critical Systems," IEEE Southeast Conference, pp. 1-4, Tampa, FL, Apr. 2018.
  • Elliott, D., Otero, C.E., Merino, X., Ridley, M., "A Cloud-Agnostic Container Orchestrator for Improving Interoperability," IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing, pp. 958-961, San Francisco, CA, Jul. 2018.
  • Merino, X., Otero, C.E., Ridley, M., Elliot, D., "Managed Containers: A Framework for Resilient Containerized Mission Critical Systems," IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing, pp. 946-949, San Francisco, CA, Jul. 2018.
  • Olasupo, T.O., Otero, C.E., Olasupo, K., Kostanic, I., "Empirical Path Loss Models for Low power Wireless Sensor Nodes Deployed on the Ground in Different Terrains," IEEE AEECT 2017, Aqaba, Jordan, Jan. 2017.
  • Oraibi, I., Otero, C.E., Olasupo, T.O., "Empirical Path Loss Model for Vehicle-to-Vehicle IoT Device Communication in Fleet Management," 16th Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop, Budva, Montenegro, Aug. 2017.
  • Egi, Y., Otero, C.E., "An Efficient Architecture for Modeling Path Loss on Forest Canopy Using LiDAR and Wireless Sensor Networks Fusion," 23rd European Wireless Conference, Dresden, Germany, Aug. 2017.
  • AlSayyari, A., Kostanic, I., Otero, C.E., "An Empirical Path Loss Model for Wireless Sensor Network Deployment in a Dense Tree Environment," IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium, Glassboro, NJ, Apr. 2017.
  • Olasupo, T.O., Otero, C.E., "Automatic Detection of Radio Signal Obstruction in Wireless Sensor Networks' On-demand Deployments," IEEE Sensor Symposium, Catania, Italy, Apr. 2016.
  • Huang W.H., Otero, L.D., Otero, C.E., "Impact of Camera Vibration Frequencies on Image Noise for Unmanned Aerial System Applications," accepted in IEEE International Systems Conference, 2015.
  • Otermat, D., Otero, C.E., Kostanic, I., "Analysis of the FM Radio Spectrum for Internet of Things Opportunistic Access Via Cognitive Radio," accepted in IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things, 2015.
  • Olasupo, T. O., Otero, C. E., Kostanic ,I., Shaikh, S., "Effects of Terrain Variations in Wireless Sensor Network Deployments," IEEE International RF and Microwave Conference, pp. 83-88, 2015.
  • AlSayyari, A., Kostanic, I., Otero, C.E., "An Empirical Path Loss Model for Wireless Sensor Network Deployment in a Concrete Surface Environment," IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference, 2015.
  • Otero, C.E., Rossi, M., Peter, A., Haber, R., “Determining Human-Perceived Level of Safety in Transportation Systems Using Big Data Analytics,” International Conference on Internet Computing and Big Data, July, 2014.
  • AlSayyari, A., Kostanic, I., Otero, C.E., “An Empirical Path Loss Model for Wireless Sensor Network Deployment in a Sand Terrain Environment,” IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things, 2014.
  • AlSayyari, A., Kostanic, I., Otero, C.E., “An Empirical Path Loss Model for Wireless Sensor Networks Deployment in an Artificial Turf Environment,” IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing, and Control, 2014.
  • Habar, R., Peter, A., Otero, C.E., Kostanic, I., Ejnioui, A., “A Support Vector Machine for Terrain Classification in On-Demand Deployments of Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE International Systems Conference, 2013.
  • Otero, C.E., Kostanic, I., Otero, L.D., Peter, A., Ejnioui, A., “Intelligent System for Predicting Wireless Sensor Network Performance in On-Demand Deployments,” IEEE Open Systems – Open Systems Applications, pp. 90-96, Oct. 2012.
  • Otero, C.E., Luce-Edward, D., Smith, J., Clark, S., Whitt, M., Hines, B., Qureshi, A., “Experiential Learning: Applying Software Engineering Principles and Mobile Programming in UVa-Wise’s Undergraduate Capstone Project,” 2012 International Conference Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering, 2012.
  • Otero, C.E., Kostanic, I., Otero, L.D., “An Iterative Approach for Modeling Performance in Randomly Deployed Wireless Sensor Networks,” Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods, pp. 104-109, 2010.
  • Otero, C.E., Ivica Kostanic, Nenad Mijatovic, Ira Weissberger, “A Holistic Approach for Evaluating Quality of Service (QoS) in Wireless Cellular Networks,” Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Wireless Networks, Vol. 2, pp. 483-487, 2010.
  • Otero, C.E., Kostanic, I., Otero, L.D., “A Multi-Hop, Multi-Segment Architecture for Perimeter Security Over Extended Geographical Regions using Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE Wireless Hive Networks Conference, pp. 1-5, August, 200

Recognition & Awards

  • Charles E. Helmstetter Faculty Excellence in Research Award, 2020 
  • NGC Honor Roll of Inventors - Engineering and Innovation Award, 2019
  • Research and Innovation Award, Northrop Grumman Corporation, 2012
  • Faculty Summer Research Award, University of Virginia, Wise, VA 2011
  • Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2010
  • Research student awarded University-wide Chancellor’s Medal for Undergraduate Research Award, UVa-Wise, 2010
  • Listed in Who's Who in Science and Engineering, Who's Who in America.


Research Expertise and Interests:

  • Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Computer Systems and Applications
  • Embedded Software and Systems
  • Resilient and Data-driven Systems

Selected Funded Research, Contracts, and Submitted Proposals:

  • Principal Investigator, "Acoustic Edge Analytics," Air Force Research Lab, (awarded in 2019)
  • Principal Investigator, "Container Resiliency and Analytics," Northrop Grumman Corporation - Mission Systems, (awarded in 2018)
  • Principal Investigator, "Desiging Security in Embedded Systems," Rockwell Collins, (awarded in 2018)
  • Principal Investigator, "A Framework for Cloud-based Cyber-Resiliency," Northrop Grumman Corporation - Mission Systems, (awarded in 2017).
  • Principal Investigator, "Embedded Systems Integrity and Firmware Analysis," Rockwell Collins, (awarded in 2016).
  • Principal Investigator, "Proof-of-Concept for Configurable (One-way) Embedded Communication System for Elderly People," Private Source, (awarded in 2015).
  • Principal Investigator, "Hardware/Software Study for Mobile-based Analytics Using Bluetooth Smart Ready Technology," HearGear, Inc. (DBA FreeWavz), (awarded in 2015).
  • Principal Investigator, "Evaluating Big Data Technology for Wireless Networks Analytics," Gladiator Forensics, LLC, (awarded in 2015).
  • Principal Investigator, "Call-drop Classification in 4G Networks," Gladiator Innovations, LLC, (awarded in 2014).
  • Co-Principal Investigator, "Deployment of a Network of Wireless Sensors to Measure and Characterize Hurricane Wind Loads on Structures," submitted to National Science Foundation.
  • Principal Investigator, "Development of an Expert Decision Support System for the Design, Analysis, and Deployment of Large-Scale Stochastic Wireless Sensor Networks," submitted to National Science Foundation.
  • Principal Investigator, "Performance Evaluation, Optimization, and Integration of On-Demand Intelligence and Self-customizing Software," Northrop Grumman Corporation & Florida High Tech Corridor, (awarded in 2012).
  • Principal Investigator, "Intelligent System for On-Demand Deployments of Ground-Based Wireless Sensor Networks," Northrop Grumman Corporation Innovation Grant, (awarded in 2012).
  • Principal Investigator, "A Software Engineering Framework for Continuous Development of Hybrid Classified Software Systems," Northrop Grumman Corporation Innovation Grant, (awarded in 2012).
  • Principal Investigator, "Software Component for Dynamic Assignment and Optimization of LTE Physical Cell IDs," Gladiator Innovations, LLC, (awarded in 2011).
  • Principal Investigator, "A Real-Time Quality of Service (QoS) Assessment and Customer Classification Method for Improving the Desirability of Application-Specific Services in Wireless Cellular Networks," University of Virginia, College at Wise, Summer Research Grant, (awarded in 2011).

Inventions & Patents:

  • US Provisional Patent, Serial No. 61/372,480, "A Real-Time Quality of Service Assessment and Customer Classification Method for Improving the Desirability of Application-Specific Services in Wireless Mobile Devices," University of Virginia Patent Foundation, 2010 – 2011.
  • US Provisional Patent, Serial No. 61/372,497, "System and Method for Optimizing Large-Scale Stochastic Deployments of Wireless Sensor Networks," University of Virginia Patent Foundation, 2010 – 2011.
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